Friday 5 January 2018

Mitigation and Sentencing in Criminal Procedure

Firm 28 Class of 2017 KSL
Mitigation is the right accorded to a convict to address the court personally especially before sentencing. It is at this juncture that the offender has opportunity to inform the court of his personal circumstances that could entitle him to a more lenient sentence.[1] A plea in mitigation is made in the majority of criminal cases.
Article 50(2)(p) of The Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for the right to the benefit of the least severe of the prescribed punishments for an offence, if the prescribed punishment for the offence has been changed between the time that the offence was committed and the time of sentencing.
Section 323 of The Criminal Procedure Code provides that if the judge convicts the accused person, or if the accused person pleads guilty, the Registrar or other officer of the court shall ask him whether he has anything to say why sentence should not be passed upon him according to law, but the omission so to ask him shall have no effect on the validity of the proceedings.
Section 329 of The Criminal Procedure Code which provides that the court may, before passing sentence, receive such evidence as it thinks fit in order to inform itself as to the proper sentence to be passed.
Section 216 of The Criminal Procedure Code. The court may, before passing sentence or making an order against an accused person under section 215, receive such evidence as it thinks fit in order to inform itself as to the sentence or order properly to be passed or made

The following list of mitigating factors is non-exhaustive and would depend on the particular circumstances of each case:
1.      A great degree of provocation.
Under this the person convicted has to plead that the offence was spontaneous as opposed to it being premeditated. He can say that he acted in anger as a result of the provocation and proceed to plead for a more lenient sentence. 
2. Commitment to repairing the harm caused by the offender’s conduct as evidenced by 
    actions such as compensation, reconciliation and restitution prior to conviction.
The constitution under article 159 encourages the court to promote alternative dispute resolution in resolving dispute. In deed the high Court made a ruling that discharged a person who had been charged with the offence of murder.[2]
3. Age, where it affects the responsibility of the individual offender.
The courts are more lenient to child offenders and elderly persons. In the case of Kaumu Muthami George v Republic [2008] eKLR the High Court agreed with the subordinate court that a sentence of 2 years was lenient after considering the accused’s age among other factors. The accused ad been charged  for an offence being in possession of narcotic drugs contrary to section 3(1) as read with Section 3(2) (a) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Control Act No. 4 of 1994. The said offence carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.
4. Being a first offender.
Generally, where a person is said to be a first time offender the court usually imposes a lesser sentence as opposed to if the accused was a repeat offender[3].
5. Pleading guilty at the earliest opportunity and generally cooperation with the prosecution and the police during the trial process.
An example is in the infamous case of Kiru Boys High School principle murder one of the perpetrators pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter and agreed to cooperate with the investigation and prosecution by being a witness against the principle suspect; and was sentenced for 7 years.[4]
Other mitigating factors espoused in The Judiciary Sentencing Policy Guidelines Include:
1)      Negligible harm or damage caused.
2)      Mental illness or impaired functioning of the mind.
3)      Playing of a minor role in the offence.
4)      Remorsefulness.
5)      Commission of a crime in response to gender-based violence.
How do you present a useful mitigation?
Iain Moley suggests  that mitigation is about putting the offence in a certain category
You have to seek to:
Distinguishing the case from other cases, or the defendant from co-defendants. You can urge the court that your client played an ancillary role and not the main role. Or that the commission of the offence was spontaneous as opposed to it being premeditative.
Stating what the offence is not. It often help s the judge to place the offence within an appropriate bracket of seriousness
call character witnesses if possible because It is always helpful for a judge to have the measure of a defendant from what others apart from the advocate say about him.
look up the likely sentence. Anticipate the outcome by conducting your research well on how courts have sentenced offenders convicted of offences of a similar nature
know when to stop. Avoid overdoing it. Instead, run each point through like a swordsman, deliberately, not hurriedly, but solidly, withdraw your rapier, watching the judge for acknowledgement the point is fully taken, and now run the next point through.
tell the judge what sort of sentence you seek and why. While at it be realistic in your suggestion
Sentencing is the process by which a court imposes a penal sanction once an accused person has pleaded guilty or has been convicted of an offence following a trial.[5]It is the process in the criminal procedure at which a court of law of competent jurisdiction makes an order after convicting the accused, as to the specific penalty to be imposed on such a convict.[6]
Since the sentencing process forms part of the trial, it is subject to the constitutional guarantees of a fair hearing.[7] The sentence must therefore have specific contents for it to be proper.
In determining a proper sentence, the court considers[8]:
·         The intrinsic value of the subject matter.
·         Antecedents of the accused.
·         Age.
·         Conduct of the accused at trial.
·         Prevalence of the particular crime in society.
·         Whether or not the offender is a first offender. The general rule is that a maximum sentence should not be imposed on a first offender.[9]
Having considered the aforementioned factors among others, the court proceeds to sentence. In giving the sentence, the judicial officer must give reasons that informed the sentence, including the factual and legal provisions that led to the sentence.[10]
As provided in Section 169 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), a judgment shall contain:
(a)    The point or points for determination, the decision thereon and the reasons for the decision.[11]
(b)   Date and signature of the presiding officer at the time of pronouncing it.[12]
(c)    The section of the Penal Code or other law under which the accused is convicted and the punishment to which he is sentenced in the case of a conviction.[13]
(d)   The offence of which the accused person is acquitted and shall direct that he be set at liberty in the case of an acquittal.[14]
The court in Fatuma Hassan Salo v. Republic[2006] eKLR highlighted the obligation of the trial court to make detailed notes on the matters it has taken into account in arriving at one of the options of punishments available.
The main aim for sentencing is to protect the society from harmful acts of the convict.[15]  As a result, sentencing takes the following main aspects:
Deterrence prevents future crime by scaring the accused and the public by utilizing the fear factor principle.[16] It works on the presumption that once a crime has been committed and punishment has been instituted, the general public will refrain from committing the crime from fear of the punishment.
The two types of deterrence are specific and general deterrence. Specific deterrence applies to an individual. When the government punishes an individual, the person is theoretically less likely to commit another crime. General deterrence applies to the public at large. When the public learns of an individual’s punishment, the public is theoretically less likely to commit that crime due to fear of the punishment that, that individual has experienced.
Retribution is punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong criminal act. It is based on the principle of an eye for an eye. It prevents future crime by removing the desire for personal avengement against the convict. It seeks to punish the offender for their criminal conduct in a just manner.[17] Retribution seeks to punish the offender in a measure equal to the crime committed. However, this approach has gained various criticisms as its only purpose is revenge. Critics argue that, it is a cynical way to respond to human behavior hence leaving everyone blind at the end of the day.
Rehabilitation seeks to enable the offender reform from his criminal disposition and become a law abiding person. Examples of rehabilitation include educational and vocational programs, treatment center placement, and counseling.
This addresses the needs arising from the criminal conduct such as loss and damage. It is done by the court ordering the offender to pay the victim for any harm and resembles a civil litigation damages award. Restitution can be for physical injuries, loss of property or money. This promotes a sense of responsibility through the offenders’ contribution towards meeting the victims’ needs.
This principle aims to protect the community by incapacitating the offender. Incapacitation prevents future crime by removing the offender from society. It also acts as to prevent repletion of the said crime.[18] It’s also known as the theory of disablement. It prevents furtherance of the crime by disabling the offender by incapacitation. Examples of incapacitation are imprisonment, detention, or execution.
This is public condemnation of the offender for the crime committed. The community communicates the condemnation of the criminal conduct. When the society discovers that the defendant has been adequately punished for a crime, they achieve a certain satisfaction that our criminal procedure is working effectively, which enhances faith in law enforcement.
Before remitting any sentence the court has a mandate to inform itself accordingly as to the sentence to be passed. This is because different offences attract different penalties. Moreover the process is geared upon principles as opposed to being a subjective process by aligning the sentencing process to the constitution which is the supreme law of the land[19]. The following principles guide the courts during sentencing:
 Article 50(2)(p) of The Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for the right to the benefit of the least severe of the prescribed punishments for an offence, if the prescribed punishment for the offence has been changed between the time that the offence was committed and the time of sentencing.
The constitution provides for where a child is in conflict with the law, the child is to be detained separate from adults and also take into account the child’s sex and age[20].it also insists that the best interest principle be paramount in all matters concerning the child, this is to also include sentencing[21]. Children in conflict with the law are only detained where non-custodial measures have failed. They are committed to borstal and rehabilitation. This is because the objectives of juvenile rehabilitation schools are to reform, for social integration and restorative justice. In other cases, such as those covered under the sexual offences act for example rape and defilement the age of the victim is taken into consideration to determine the sentence to be imposed.
The constitution provides for that persons with disability be treated with dignity and respect and to be referred to in a manner that’s not demeaning[22]. Access to materials and equipment to aid them go about their day normally and or without constrains is to be made available[23]. This right includes persons detained. The court is to put in measures for their state to be fully accommodated.
The punishment imposed has to be in tandem with the offence committed. This principle is grounded on the concept of just deserts by weighing the foreseeable impact of the offence and the offender’s responsibility[24]. This is compounded in our constitution that advocates the right to fair determination of a matter[25]. This was held in; Caroline AumavRepublic where the accused person was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment and a fine of Kshs.1, 000,000 was imposed for being in possession of heroin worth Ksh.700. On appeal, it was held that the sentence was un-proportional to the offence[26].
The sentence ought to be consistent with the law with which it’s created. An accused person cannot be convicted and sentenced for an act not expressed as an offence by the law[27]. The courts must satisfy itself that the matter before it has never been tried and determined in any other court, and that the accused has not been previously acquitted or convicted of the same offence (this is the principle of double jeopardy)[28]. The court must also set out reasons, facts and legal provisions informing the sentence[29]. As held inFatuma Hassan Salo (v) Republic where the court stated that the trial court is obliged to make detailed notes on the matters it has taken into account in reaching the options of punishment available[30]. In the case of Kennedy Indiema Omuse v Republic the court held that before imposing a sentence  a court ought to look at the facts of the case in its entirety before imposing a sentence on an accused person[31]. These facts however, must be those that have been proved and evidenced. In Wanjiku (v) Republic the court while sentencing, alleged that the accused had relied on her husband’s position to smuggle goods for personal gain yet there was no evidence in support of the magistrate’s inference[32]. The court’s decision should only derive its influence from the law and the surrounding facts of the case and not improper motives and corrupt practices so as to uphold the integrity of the judiciary and the court processes.[33]
Mitigating serves the purpose of attaining leniency and mercy from the courts so as not to suffer severe punishment. Aggravating circumstances on the other hand, are adduced by the prosecution to increase the harshness of the punishment. In all criminal cases the accused is given an opportunity to adduce and challenge the evidence by way of making submissions.  This right is also engraved in the constitution[34]. In the case of; Edwin Otieno Odhiambo (v) Republic it was held that failure to take into account mitigating circumstances chances of not arriving at an appropriate sentence were increased[35] . However, this right is subject to the discretion of the court and failure of the accused to mitigate does not invalidate the court’s decision.
Generally, where a person is said to be a first time offender the court usually imposes a lesser sentence as opposed to if the accused was a repeat offender[36]. However, this view is subject to the discretion of the court as other factors are put into consideration.
Cause of crime
The court will take into account socio-economic factors that may lead to crime. These include poverty, drunkenness, and broken home, psychological problems amongst others. This is also known as criminology which aids in determining reasons that lead the accused into committing the offence. Its importance is to establish motive.
Previously the law provided that the duration of a sentence began from the date of pronouncement and precludes any court from predating the commencement of sentence. This was set out in Republic v Yonasani and others. Section 333(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code was introduced to change this position. The courts are now obligated to take into consideration time already spent in custody if the accused person was incasarated during trial. Failure to do so renders the sentence excessive to the offence. Section 35(1) of the Penal Code provides that where the accused was in custody as for 2 years during trial and upon conviction the court sentenced him to 2 years imprisonment, the act directs that the accused is to be discharged as the time he was in custody is taken to be the time in which he used to serve that sentence.
This is determined by the use of a victim impact statement which was introduced in a bid to acknowledge the victims of crime and the effects of the same[37]. The impact statement applies in relation to offences that result in death or bodily harm[38].Particulars include: any personal harm suffered by the victim as a direct result of the offence. and the effect of the primary victims harm on his immediate family[39].
A primary victim is one against whom an offence has been committed or a person who was a witness to the offence (if the crime resulted in death)[40]. For this statement to be considered, it must be filed by the victim or the prosecutor on his behalf. A family member may also apply where the victim is deceased. The use of this statement is subject to the discretion of the court[41]. The primary victim is not compelled to give an impact statement, it must be voluntary and where the victim objects to its use the court is obligated not to use them[42]. However, this does not render the effects of the crime lesser to the victim[43]. A member of the primary victim’s family may issue the statement where the victim is incapable of the same[44].
The courts consider the impact of the offence on the victim and the society in general.
The following is a list of sentences recognized in Kenya. They vary from offence to another. A good trial advocate has to reasonably anticipate the sentence to be imposed on his client, and if possible try and obtain the least severe sentence.
Death penalty is imposed upon offenders convicted of capital offences.Minors cannot be subjected to the death penalty. The Criminal Procedure Code prohibits imposition of death penalty where at the time of committing the offence, the offender was below 18 years.  Pregnant women are also exempted from the death penalty and when convicted of capital offences the sentences are commuted to life imprisonment.
There has been a lot of discussion on the legality of the mandatory death sentence in the post 2010 new constitutional dispensation[45].However, it is now settled that the death penalty described for capital offences is a mandatory death sentence[46].
This is the restrain of person’s liberty through confinement in a prison for a specified duration. Section 26 (2) of the Penal Code, gives the court discretion to impose a sentence shorter than that prescribed by the relevant provision, except where mandatory sentences are prescribed. In most cases the Penal Code provides for the maximum sentence.
In the event of a conviction, the sentences imposed for each of the offences run consecutively unless the court directs that they run concurrently[47]. The general rule is that concurrent sentences rather than consecutive sentences should be awarded for offences committed in the same transaction[48].Whenever a convict is liable to be imprisoned the court has the option of imposing a fine either in addition to or instead of a prison sentence[49].
The Community Service Orders Act lays emphasis on restorative form of justice that takes into account in a more direct way, the interests of the accused, the society and the victim.It puts less emphasis on imprisonment for certain categories of offenders and insists on services to the community.
Community service is comprised of unpaid public work within a community, for the benefit of that community. The duration of service does not exceeding the term of imprisonment for which the court would have sentenced the offender. Community service officers have a duty to identify suitable work placements and keep track of all community service orders issued by the court to ensure compliance. A completion form prepared by the institution must be returned to the court.
Probation is a punishment given out instead of imprisoning a person convicted of a crime, an order is made that the person reports to a probation officer regularly and according to a set schedule.
The primary aim of probation is to reform and rehabilitation of the offender. Probation is provided under the Probation of Offenders Act, Cap 64 Laws of Kenya. Section 4, empowers a court, where it is of the opinion that it is expedient to release an offender on probation, it may convict and make an order for probation. The court however, should regard the following before making the order: -youth, character, antecedents, home surroundings, health or mental condition of the offender, nature of the offence, any extenuating circumstances in which the offence was committed.
Before the offender is sentenced to probation, it must be shown that he or she is remorseful and repentant and is willing to learn and reform.
If an offender commits an offence during the probation term, he/ she becomes liable to be sentenced for the original offence.
A fine is a sum of money exerted as a penalty by a court as set out by law. Where it is not set out in law, the amount of fine is unlimited but shall not be excessive[50]. In inflicting fines the capacity of the accused to pay should be considered. Where the offence is punishable with a fine or a term of imprisonment, it is in the discretion of the court to impose a fine or imprisonment[51].
 Section 31 of the Penal Code, provides that the court may order a convict to pay compensation to any person injured by his offence, either in addition or substitution of any other punishment. However, the court cannot make a compensation order in substitution of an offence which attracts a minimum custodial sentence .An order of compensation takes effect on the expiry of the time limited for an appeal, and where an appeal is lodged on confirmation of the conviction and order.
The court may in circumstances where an accused person has been convicted  and sentenced for a term not exceeding 2 years, order the sentence not take effect immediately unless during the operational period of the offender commits any other offence regardless the degree of its severity[52].A case in point is where recently The Labour Court sitting in Nairobi kept suspending the sentence for officials for the striking doctors who had been convicted for contempt of court.
This applies in those situations where the accused has been convicted for offences relating to stealing, extorting, converting or disposing of or knowingly receiving any property belonging to another .The court may make restitution orders requiring the said property be restored to the owner[53].
When a licensee is found guilty of an offence violating the terms of such a license the court may order that the licensed be revoked or withdrawn. A case in point is licenses issued pursuant to The Alcoholic drinks and Control Act may be revoked or forfeited once an accused has been adjudged guilty of committing an offence under the said Act.[54]
This is recognized under section 24(2)(f) of The Penal Code. It applies to non-criminal offences and may be issued in addition or in substitution to the punishment by the court. The convict is ordered to enter recognizance with or without sureties on condition that he keep peace during a specified period[55].
This is pursuant to section 35 of The Penal Code. Under this provision where a sentencing court is satisfied that it is inexpedient to inflict punishment and that a probation order is inappropriate, the court may make these orders which have the effect of discharging an accused absolutely subject to the fact that he does not commit an offence during a period not exceeding 12 months.
In meting out this sentence the court takes into account: the nature of the offence, the character of the offender and other circumstances. This is issued in misdemeanors for instance being drunk and disorderly and loitering
Section 29 posits that courts may in addition to or in lieu of any penalty imposed, order that property or monies obtained from commission of an offence of compounding felonies be forfeited. The property forfeited shall be dealt with in a manner so directed by the Attorney General.[56]
This is provided for under the Security Laws(Amendment) Act
The Sentencing Hearing
The judiciary Sentencing policy guidelines provides for this process as follows:
 The court schedules the hearing and receives submissions that would impact on the sentence essentially for the purpose of according the court with an opportunity to examine the information and seek clarity on all issues.
The offender is also provided with an opportunity to cross-examine on any adverse information that would be prejudicial to him/her in line with the Constitution which guarantees the offender the right to adduce and challenge evidence.[57]








The Convention on Rights of a Child
The Alcoholic Drinks and Control Act S.42
 The Children’s Act no. 3 of 2001 Laws of Kenya
The Constitution of Kenya, 2010
The Criminal Procedure Code,  Chapter 75 Laws of Kenya.
The Penal Code, Chapter 23 Laws of Kenya
The Judiciary Sentencing Policy Guidelines of Kenya, 2016
P.L.O Lumumba, Criminal Procedure in Kenya, Law Africa
Patrick Kiage (2013), Essentials of criminal procedure in Kenya, Law Africa
Ssekaana Musa, Criminal Procedure and Practice in Uganda, Law Africa
William Musyoka, Criminal law, Law Africa.

Republic v Moammed Abdouw Moammed [2013] eKLR
Otieno (v) Republic [1983] eKLR
Otieno v.Republic[1983] eKLR
Caroline Auma v Republic criminal appealNo.65 of 2014[2014]eKLR
Fatuma Hassan Salo (v) Republic [2006] eKLR
Kennedy Indiema Omuse v Republic Criminal appeal 344 of 2006
 Edwin Otieno Odhiambo (v) Republic [1984] KLR 697
Wanjiku (v) Republic Criminal Appeal 359 of 2006
Otieno (v) Republic [1983] eKLR
Geoffrey NgothoMutiso V Republic [2010] eKLR .
Joseph Njuguna Mwaura V Republic [2013] eKLR
 Odero v R (1984) KLR 621


[2] Republic v Mohammed  Abdouw Mohammed [2013]eKLR
[3] Otieno (v) Republic [1983] eKLR
[5]The Judiciary Sentencing Policy Guidelines,2016
[6] P.L.O Lumumba, Criminal Procedure in Kenya
[7] Article 50, The Constitution of Kenya 2010.
[8] Patrick Kiage (2013), Essentials of criminal procedure in Kenya, Law Africa pp.
[9]Otieno v.Republic[1983] eKLR
[10] See note 1 above. 
[11] Sec 169(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code Cap 75 Laws of Kenya.
[12] See note 9 above.
[13] Sec 169(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code Cap 75 .
[14]Sec 169(3) ibid
[15]Ssekaana Musa, Criminal Procedure and Practice in Uganda.
[16] William Musyoka, Criminal law, Law Africa.
[17] The Sentencing Policy Guidelines of Kenya, 2016.
[18] William Musyoka, Criminal Law.
[19] Art 2(1) ,The Constitution of Kenya 2010
[20] art 37 , The United Nations Convention on Rights of a Child
[21] Art 53(2) The Constitution of Kenya 2010 ; 190 of The Children’s Act no. 3 of 2001 Laws of Kenya
[22] Art 54(1)(a) of The Constitution of Kenya,2010
[23]Art  54 (1)(e) ibid
[24] Sentencing policy guidelines
[25] Art 50(1)(2), The Constitution of Kenya,2010
[26] Caroline Auma v Republic criminal appealNo.65 of 2014[2014]eKLR
[27] Art 50(2)(n) of 2010 constitution
[28] Art 50(2)(o) ibid
[29] Section 169(1) of Criminal Procedure Code and Art 73(2)(d) The Constitution of Kenya,2010
[30]Fatuma Hassan Salo (v) Republic [2006] eKLR
[31] Criminal appeal 344 of 2006
[32] [1984] KLR 697
[33] Art 73(1)(a)(iii)(iv)(2)(b) The Constitution of Kenya,2010
[34]Art 50(k) ibid  and s 323 of Criminal Procedure Code
[35] Criminal Appeal 359 of 2006
[36] Otieno (v) Republic [1983] eKLR
[37] Essentials of criminal procedure in Kenya by Patrick Kiage
[38] S 329 B of criminal procedure code
[39] Ibid
[41] Section 329 Criminal Procedure Code, Cap 75 Laws of Kenya
[42] Section 329D(1)(2) ibid
[43]  Section 329 D (3) ibid
[44] Section 329 E(2) ibid
[45] Geoffrey Ngotho Mutiso V Republic [2010] eKLR where it was held that the death sentence is discretionary as
     Opposed to mandatory in so far as capital offences are concerned.
[46] Joseph Njuguna Mwaura V Republic [2013] eKLR
[47] Section 14 (1) Criminal Procedure Code
[48] See Odero v R (1984) KLR 621
[49]Section 26 (3) Penal Code, Cap 63 Laws of Kenya
[50] Section 28 (1) (a) Penal code
[51]Section 28 (1) (b) Penal Code.
[52] Criminal Procedure Code,Cap 75 s.15
[53]Section 178 Criminal Procedure Code, Cap 75 Laws of Kenya
[54] Section 42, The Alcoholic Drinks and Control Act
[55] section 33,The Penal Code ,Cap 63 Laws of Kenya
[56] The Penal Code Section 119
[57] The Constitution of Kenya 2010, Art 50(2)(k) 

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